The club phone number is 4455 2725.
This number is only attended when patrols are on the beach. Please send all correspondence to the Director of Administration Sandra Woodward.
Location Map
Direct Numbers
Phone calls can be made to various members if you require Surf Club information.
President | Rodney Austin | 0401 336 645 |
Senior Vice President | Michael Hendrie | 0419 241 198 |
Director of Administration (Secretary) | Sandra Woodward | 0459 189 977 |
Director of Finance (Treasurer) | Kevin Whitford | 0423 964 231 |
Director of Lifesaving (Club Captain) | Adam Woodward | 0423 436 611 |
Vice Club Captain | Annette Chapman | 0432 611 238 |
Director of Education & Training | Emma Woodward | 0414 878 742 |
Social Secretary | Keith Claxton | 0419 014 023 |
Regalia Officer | Michelle Hendrie | 0412 742 069 |
GYM Custodian | Brett Crockett | 0421 556 176 |
Board & Ski Manager | Tony Ireland | 0411 143 771 |
Swim, Board & Ski Coach | TBA | TBA |
Beach Coach | TBA | TBA |
Food & Beverage | TBA | TBA |
Registrar | Wendy Austin | 4455 4960 |
Junior Activities Co-ordinator | Tony Ireland | 0411 143 771 |
Oceans Function Centre | Venue Booking Officer | 0476 917 522 |
Director of Surf Sports | Byron Dengate | 0418 296 629 |
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